Monday, November 17, 2008

Family Reunion 2009

Hi Everyone,

I created this blog so that family members can communicate with each other in one central location. Several of us would like to get the ball rolling to organize a family reunion at some point for 2009. The thought is that early fall might be best where many of you may be away on vacations during the summer months. It's been a very long time since we've gotten together this way (too long) so we would like as many to be able to attend as possible.

If any of you have any suggestions as to a date, place, or what type of reunion you would like to see please feel free to post that here as well as any other info you would like.

Just click on "comment" underneath the blog and type away!!! You will need to register (free) in order to post your blog.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Linda Burnett (Pelley) - Ruth Dusseault's daughter (Mercer)


The McArthurs said...

So fun!! I'll be sure to check on here regularly to see what's cooking over here:)

Bud and Ruth said...

Looking forward to it. A separate room in a restaurant would be good unless we have it in early September and could have it outside where we can get under cover if needed. In that case, have it catered. Our church would be perfect , but there could be no alcohol allowed, so that would probably not please some. But they do put on a great meal inexpensively. We have time for planty of ideas yet!! Love, Mom/Aunty/Sis/Grandma well, Ruth

Ginelle said...

I'm in!

Unknown said...

Hey, This is a great idea. Keep me posted. The no alcohol thing would cramp my style but im sure i could manage:) Hope everyone is doing well!